Five Reasons a Silk Scarf Makes a Perfect Romantic Gift

As you might have guessed from our 11 stunning scarf designs, we at Meqnes love silk scarves. Not only are they the perfect accessory; they also make the perfect romantic gift. Here’s why.

1. They’re surprising.

Scarves weren’t invented yesterday, but they’re still an unusual gift, especially when it comes to romance. Forget chocolates and flowers, though: why not offer something your beloved can use every day, with colors that never fade?

They’re the only one in the world for you, so why not offer them something unique?

2. They’re portable.

A scarf is easy to carry around. So, whether you’re wooing your heart’s desire at home, at a restaurant, or while rock climbing, it’s easy to keep it with you and offer it to them at just the right moment.

And unlike flowers, your sweetheart won’t need to look for a vase or find a convenient way to carry around a scarf.

3. They’re sensual.

The soft silk of a scarf is a reminder of tender caresses, of your lips softly brushing their skin. And it’s the promise of more to come.

4. They bring out the best.

One of the things we love most about scarves is the way these relatively simple accessories can make someone’s look go from average, to eye-catching.

Even something as simple as jeans and a white t-shirt becomes unforgettable thanks to a perfectly chosen scarf.

5. They’re always in style.

When you think about it, there is no “great age of scarves”. Whether you like a retro look or a more modern style, a scarf is a perfect way to elevate what you’re wearing in so many ways. Scarves are eternal, and so is your love.

Maybe now you agree that a silk scarf would be the ideal romantic gift – but where to find the perfect one?

We think we can help with that.

Our scarves are made in Italy of 100% silk, and come in 11 color patterns based on our unique Meqnes motif. Choose the one that makes you think of your beloved’s style and personality – they’re sure to cherish it.

Good luck in love and style,

Yours always,